• 在這裏 我們使用純質的原調

  • 打造一個渾樸自然的私人綠洲

  • 與水共浴‧與山共眠‧與心共憩

Villa room

Stay overnight –Enjoy the surrounding beauty. Reflection of light and water penetrates into the space inside and outside the room. One feels as though he has become part of the natural elements. Immersed in water, sleep with the quiet mountain, resting at heart.

No loud decor, Here, we use earthy colors to build a personal oasis, simple and natural. Please reduce your pace and relax, Listen to the sound of nature.

Room rate
Holiday:NT$ 11,900
weekdays:NT$ 9,900

(Includes breakfast, afternoon tea)
※ Each villa can only accommodate 2 persons.
※ Under 18 years old is not accepted to stay